Angel Of Hope

Angel of Hope health and wellness check in Mash East applauded

Thousands of people are checked and treated for ailments by American doctors and nurses who were invited by Angel of Hope Foundation patron First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa for medical outreach in Mashonaland East
Thousands of people are checked and treated for ailments by American doctors and nurses who were invited by Angel of Hope Foundation patron First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa for medical outreach in Mashonaland East

Tendai Rupapa and Victor Maphosa

THE offering of free screening for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) not only empowers individuals to take charge of their health, but also fosters a culture of proactive healthcare practices, Health Ambassador, First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, has said.

She made the remarks while addressing thousands of people in Mudzi at a health and wellness check programme she initiated where individuals were being screened for NCDs, including cancer, free of charge through the collaborative efforts of her office, local and international medical practitioners from America.

Beneficiaries were drawn from UMP, Mutoko, Mudzi, Murehwa, Goromonzi, Seke and Marondera districts.

Through her Angel of Hope Foundation, Amai Mnangagwa mobilised a team of 25 medical professionals from the United States comprising doctors, nurses and humanitarian workers. They were working with a local team of 40 nurses and 15 doctors to offer a myriad of services including dental services under a three day free medical outreach programme in Mashonaland East Province.

Eyecare, family planning, mental health, visual inspection with acetic acid (VIAC), breast and prostate cancer screening were also being offered as well as HIV testing and counselling.

There were doctor’s emergency rooms, an outpatient department, a mobile X-ray unit and an extended programme on immunisation (EPI).

The American health experts have been working with the AoHF since its inception in 2018 and started as a small group which has now increased in number.

Amai Mnangagwa took her AoHF’s mobile clinic and ultra-modern, top-notch mobile hospital which consists of mammography, an ultrasound scan, gynaecological machinery and a radiation machine.

There were also several support tents on the ground manned by a dedicated medical team which was serving people.

It was the first time that the mother of the nation took the mobile hospital to rural communities after having received it from Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko in recognition of her philanthropic work.

She promised to take it to all corners of the country for the benefit of everyone including those in hard to reach areas and kept her promise.

She will take it to all the provinces.

Access to health care services is critical to good health, yet rural communities face a myriad of barriers but the First Lady through her Angel of Hope Foundation is giving hope to the people and touching lives by bringing health services to the people.

Amai Mnangagwa is always traversing the length and breadth of the country with medical experts providing health care services to people in hard to reach areas thereby complementing Government efforts.

The programme, the First Lady said, exemplifies the power of partnership and underscores the importance of preventive healthcare in society.

“The health wellness check programme serves to assist the general populace at no cost and is a testament to my commitment to promoting the well-being of our citizens. By offering free screenings for NCDs, we are not only empowering individuals to take charge of their health but also fostering a culture of proactive healthcare practices.

Thousands of people are checked and treated for various ailments by American doctors and nurses who were invited by Angel of Hope Foundation patron First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa for medical outreach in Mashonaland East. — Pictures: John Manzongo and Edward Zvemisha
Thousands of people are checked and treated for various ailments by American doctors and nurses who were invited by Angel of Hope Foundation patron First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa for medical outreach in Mashonaland East. — Pictures: John Manzongo and Edward Zvemisha

“Early detection is key in the fight against diseases such as cancer, diabetes and hypertension. Through these screenings, we can identify potential health risks at an early stage, thus increasing the chances of successful treatment and recovery,” she said.

The mother of the nation said it was imperative to recognize the significance of regular wellness checks and screening in safeguarding health.

“Prevention is always better than cure and by being proactive about our health we can mitigate the impact of serious illnesses. I urge each and everyone of you to prioritise your well-being and to take advantage of the resources available to you through programmes such as this.

“Your health is your most valuable asset and investing in preventive measures today can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling future. In addition to regular screenings, it is equally important to focus on lifestyle factors that can impact our health.

“One such factor is diet and here in Zimbabwe we are blessed with a rich culinary heritage that can contribute to our overall well-being,” she said.

Traditional foods, the First Lady said, were not only delicious but were also packed with nutrients that could help prevent NCDs such as diabetes and hypertension.

She said by embracing traditional cuisine and incorporating more whole foods into diets, it was possible to take more proactive steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

“In addition to their nutritional benefits, our traditional foods are also deeply rooted in our cultural heritage and traditions.

“They are a reflection of our history, our values and our identity as Zimbabweans. By embracing and celebrating our cuisine, we not only honour our ancestors and preserve our cultural legacy but also foster a sense of pride and unity among our people.

“I am committed to promoting the consumption of our traditional food as a powerful tool for combating NCDs and improving the health and well-being of our nation.

“I encourage all of you to join me in this important mission by incorporating more traditional dishes into your diet, supporting local farmers and producers, and spreading awareness about the benefits of our rich and diverse culinary heritage,” she said.

As the nation continues to strive to be healthier, she said it was critical to remember that health is a precious gift that should be nurtured and protected.

“Through our collective efforts to promote healthy living, we can create a brighter and healthier future for all Zimbabweans. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated medical professionals, both local and international, for their unwavering commitment to improving the health and well-being of our nation.

“In conclusion, I urge every one of you to prioritise your health, to take advantage of the resources available to you and to make informed choices that will positively impact your well-being.

“Together we can build a healthier Zimbabwe where everyone has the opportunity to lead a life of vitality and wellness,” she said.

She also held an interactive session with the community where she gave details about the team from America.

“I have worked with these friends of mine for many years since 2018 when I launched Angel of Hope Foundation and today we are still together. They cure various ailments. They are working with our local health professionals so do not leave this place without being screened.

“They have come with medicines and some of them we will consign to hospitals and clinics here. When you exhaust the supplies that you are given here, the clinics and hospitals will dispense more.

“These friends of mine know the tradition of Zimbabwe that when you visit, you carry something to give to your hosts. They did not come empty-handed, they brought lots of goods here for you which will be distributed before we leave on our last day.

“If some of you are not attending today, please come tomorrow, even the day after. I will also be here as I am staying for the entire duration. My wish is to leave you in good health, for you to remain behind knowing that which was troubling you.

“I am glad that officials from the Ministry of Health and Child Care here and my friends are not going anywhere as they will be here with us for three days.

“They have come to you. I have seen that they are well stocked and nothing is missing from teeth, to eyes, those with cataracts will be operated on, and those with poor eyesight will be given spectacles.

I am not sure if there is any ailment these people cannot detect.

“I urge you to leave this place in good health. Do not forget to eat sorghum and peanut butter. When you are given medicine, consume sorghum sadza and this will make the medicines work faster. I thank all supporting teams present here,” she said.

Thousands of people from all corners of Mashonaland East province benefited from the programme.

Amai Mnangagwa took time to mix and mingle with the beneficiaries while they were being attended to.

They heartily thanked the mother of the nation for the noble initiative aimed at saving lives.

A beneficiary, Mrs Sikulele Chaza from Mudzi who was screened for cervical cancer was all smiles when she emerged from the screening room.

She also thanked Amai Mnangagwa for the programme.

“I came here to be screened for cervical cancer and everything went well. The process was just good and the staff is friendly.

“I want to commend the First Lady for this life-saving programme and her love for all of us. We women must be screened for cervical and breast cancer and know where we stand. If detected early, cancer can be treated,” she said.

Mrs Jessica Mapika who came all the way from Chihota in Hwedza also praised the First Lady and the medical team for the programme.

“Amai has done a good programme for us as a province. We have been assisted free of charge. I came from Chihota for this programme. I have been screened also for cervical and breast cancer and I am thankful that I now know my health status,” she said.

Mr Fungai Jeremu from Karumba village in Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe said after hearing that even men would receive free medical services, he decided to come forward to be assisted.

“What Amai has done for us is commendable. I am happy to be here and I received this assistance at no cost. Knowing your health status is key. We make informed plans, thanks to our loving mother, Amai Mnangagwa who is making this possible.

“My prayer now is for her to live longer and continue doing this great work for the people of Zimbabwe. I want to urge others who are not here to come and be assisted for free as the programme is ongoing,” he said.

Traditional chiefs from the province also attended the programme and took time to consult medical experts for free.

In his remarks, Chief Goronga from Mudzi thanked the First Lady saying the initiative had brought the much-needed relief to many who could not afford hospital fees.

“Amai, we thank you wholeheartedly today. You have brought a hospital closer to us and we are getting free medication. There are a lot of people and most of them cannot pay for medical services. Thank you so much.

“As traditional leaders, we appreciate all of your work.

“We thank you, Amai. To the people gathered here, please invite others to come and get assistance and services for free,” he said.

Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Mashonaland East, Aplonia Munzverengwi, said the whole province was thankful and appreciated the First Lady for the programme.

“As Mashonaland East province, we commend you for this programme Amai where you are showing us motherly love. Thank you, Amai, for helping us. Some of us across the province do not stay near clinics or hospitals but today we are here being assisted free of charge. We are happy the programme is three days long. We feel honoured by this gesture and also we thank you for always remembering Mashonaland East province,” she said. – Herald 

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