Angel Of Hope

Joy as First Lady remembers relocated Chingwizi folk

Thousands of people who interacted with First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and also received blankets, food hampers among other things in Chingwizi on Tuesday
Thousands of people who interacted with First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and also received blankets, food hampers among other things in Chingwizi on Tuesday

Tendai Rupapa in CHINGWIZI

THOUSANDS of people from Masvingo Province including the elderly, orphans and those with disabilities, converged in Chingwizi and received a timely boost from First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa who gave them an assortment of goods including food and blankets to warm them up this winter.

Some of the beneficiaries were villagers relocated to Chingwizi to make way for the construction of Tugwi Mukosi Dam.

So colourful was the event aimed at bringing cheer to the vulnerable groups that largely have to contend with isolation and loneliness.

Most elderly people in the country live alone or with their orphaned grandchildren and putting food on the table is an uphill struggle for them.

The distance the First Lady covered to spend time with them drove some of the beneficiaries close to tears.

The mother of the nation gave them food hampers that included mealie-meal, flour, cooking oil, sugar, rice, salt, toiletries, blankets and winter coats.

Traditional chiefs also received the same. Pregnant women were given baby preparation kits, while school children received stationery.

In addition, school girls were given reusable pads, courtesy of Dr Mnangagwa and her Angel of Hope Foundation.

Those who did not fall in the vulnerable groups category also went home with some goodies.

The programme has so far been taken to other provinces.

The beneficiaries were drawn from Bikita, Chiredzi, Chivi, Gutu, Masvingo, Mwenezi and Zaka districts.

Amai Mnangagwa thanked the community for voting President Mnangagwa back into office in the August 2023 harmonised elections.

First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa shares a lighter moment with an expecting mother who could not hide her joy and excitement to receive baby preparation kits in Chingwizi
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa shares a lighter moment with an expecting mother who could not hide her joy and excitement to receive baby preparation kits in Chingwizi

“I wish to start by greeting every one of you here present. I am glad to be here in Chingwizi, a place I was yearning to visit.

“Today, I have fulfilled my heart’s desire and I thank you for voting for President Mnangagwa in 2023. This has also made it possible for me to continue with empowerment projects.“I have come to visit the elderly, the disabled, child-headed families and all of you who have come from all the districts in Masvingo as we discuss and teach our children the importance of looking after the elderly and other vulnerable groups.

“What about our children who are taking drugs, this is destroying and killing them. They end up stealing their parent’s assets and livestock for sale to realise money to buy drugs. Our children need to be taught good manners that define us as Zimbabweans. These children are the leaders and parents of tomorrow who should be on the correct path,” she said.

She turned to couples and sought to know how they were relating at home and whether they were staying away from domestic violence.

“How are we living in the homes and who is the head of the house between a wife and a husband?” she posed a question that elicited many responses.

Gogo Enia Gondo said women define homes.

“Women define homes and people say “Mrs So and So’s house” and not “Mr So and So’s house”. If the husband dies, the homestead does not collapse as the woman protects it and uses everything she finds with her children. However, if a woman dies, the men will abandon the kids and find a new lover. I therefore maintain that women define homes and no cock watches over chicks,” she said.

Part of the expecting mothers queue to receive baby preparation kits from Angel of Hope Foundation patron First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Chingwizi on Tuesday
Part of the expecting mothers queue to receive baby preparation kits from Angel of Hope Foundation patron First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Chingwizi on Tuesday

But Sekuru Javison Mhike held a different view.

“The homestead belongs to the man and he fixes everything that goes amiss while the wife only assists him,” he said.

Mrs Catherine Ndovo said the women were the owners of the homes.

“The woman is the custodian of the home because in most cases, the man is never at home. The woman knows everything that happens at the home and if a child falls sick, the mother runs around,” she said.

Sekuru Moses Ruzvidzo maintained that men were the heads of homesteads.

“I say as the man I am the bull of the home. I bought a wife when I paid lobola so she is just a helper. Vana baba ndivo nharirire yemisha,” he said.

Dr Mnangangwa concurred that men were heads of houses.

“Yes, men are the heads of households but they are assisted by mothers to look after the children. However, the wife will be respectful and submissive. Men should respect their wives too and stay in peace and love,” she said.

First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa hands over blankets, food hampers and other goods to the elderly, child headed families, those living with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in Chingwizi on Tuesday
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa hands over blankets, food hampers and other goods to the elderly, child headed families, those living with disabilities and other vulnerable groups in Chingwizi on Tuesday

The mother of the nation took time to educate people about the new currency-Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) and the need for people to embrace and protect it.

“Each country has its currency therefore let us be proud of our currency which is backed by gold.”

The First Lady then handed over donations to the community.

“I brought things for us to share and today everyone will walk away with something. If you do not get anything today, you shall get something tomorrow,” she said before personally distributing the goods.

Masvingo Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Ezra Chadzamira expressed delight in the First Lady’s frequent visits and constructive programmes.

“Amai, we welcome you here in Chingwizi, Mwenezi District. We are grateful for your visit and the great works you are undertaking countrywide. Lives are changing in families through your programmes and projects Amai. Your children know that when you are around hunger is satiated. You are a mother who leaves no child behind as you uplift and empower vulnerable groups. Today you have visited your children who were relocated from Tugwi Mukosi and we are thankful for your love,” he said.

First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa distributes blankets and food hampers to those living with disabilities, elderly and other vulnerable groups in Chingwizi
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa distributes blankets and food hampers to those living with disabilities, elderly and other vulnerable groups in Chingwizi

Speaking at the same occasion, Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service chaplain Christine Phiri thanked the First Lady for her inclusive programmes.

“Amai, you taught us that no one neither applied nor asked to be born with a disability and to lose a loved one after marriage. You are teaching us love because some pour scorn on those living with disabilities and some men who are taking advantage of child-headed families proposing love to young children who are without parents,” she said before singing “Mwari wedu tiratidze rudo, tidanane, tiwirirane, tisimbisane (Our Lord show us love so that we love each other, live in harmony and strengthen each other) “.

“That is the love that you are showing us. You are remembering the elderly and teaching us the importance of looking after our parents.

“In the Bible, it is written that honour and respect your parents. In the churches that we lead, parishioners stampede to buy clothes and vehicles for pastors and yet their parents do not even have a blanket.

“Amai is saying let us remember our roots and look after our parents and the elderly in communities. Some are so stingy that mangoes rot and fall off their trees yet some orphans will be in need. If we do not show them love, who will look after them?

“When children are orphaned, as relatives we are snatching their inheritance and stop sending them to school.

“Amai is saying let us assist one another to look after orphans. Being elderly is not a mark of witchcraft but a sign of being looked after by God.

“The elderly are the fortresses of knowledge, so let us look after them. Let us emulate our mother and learn to love,” she said.

Sekuru John Bundo, who lives with a disability, paid glowing tribute to the First Lady for her benevolence.

People living with disabilities and other vulnerable groups walk away with blankets and food hampers they received from First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Chingwizi. — Pictures: John Manzongo
People living with disabilities and other vulnerable groups walk away with blankets and food hampers they received from First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa in Chingwizi. — Pictures: John Manzongo

“I am grateful for the love that the First Lady has shown. She has enabled us to beat this cold weather with this generous donation of blankets and food. May God bless her,” he said.

Tariro Shoko, a Grade 7 pupil, thanked the First Lady for giving her reusable sanitary pads.

“I am thankful to our First Lady for what she has done. We now attend school even during our menses because we have something to use unlike in the past when we would be forced to miss school. I thank her for her great love,” she said.

Charles Mutope echoed similar sentiments.

“I am thankful for the visit from the First Lady today. Apart from educating us on various constructive topics, she has given our expecting wives baby sets and food for the whole family. Chingwizi is very far away from Harare but Amai travelled all the way.

“Her love is unmatched and distance is not a barrier to her,” he said.

Bulawayo-based performing arts group, IYASA provided edutainment. – Herald 


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